
WebRTC vs VoIP: competing or complementary?

2017March9VoIP_BAlthough some critics are labeling the newest tool in the internet-based telecommunications field a “VoIP killer,” nothing could be further from the truth. The reality of the situation is that this new technology, WebRTC, is here to make it even easier for customers to contact your business using the internet. Let’s find out if it’s right for your business.

Selecting the perfect Office 365 plan

2017March8Office_BOffice 365 Business, Business Premium, Enterprise E1, E3, and E5. Each of these Office 365 plans offer different features and services. Implement the wrong one, and you may end up with a solution that doesn’t fully meet your company’s needs. To help your business select the right Office 365 license, we’ve summarized and listed the different features of each plan.

10 Questions to Ask if You Want the Best IT Support for Your Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, every business relies on solid IT support. But for companies on a budget, finding that kind of support can be difficult. Smaller IT firms often find themselves stretched too thin with break-fix work and too many clients, while bigger IT organizations are known for prioritizing their larger clients. It is possible, however, for a small to medium-sized business to get enterprise-level support worthy of a Fortune 500 company — at a price anyone can appreciate.

Helpful Cortana commands for everyone

170px_shutterstock_435798766Cortana, Microsoft’s voice-activated personal assistant, is extremely helpful for day-to-day tasks. Whether you need her to reschedule a meeting or draft an email, she’s always happy to help. If you’re dealing with several time-consuming tasks, use these Cortana commands to make your life a lot easier.

Fileless malware is back, are you at risk?

2017March3Security_BHow many times have you read a shocking headline, only to find the attached article incredibly underwhelming? Over the last several weeks headlines decrying the threat of “fileless malware” have been everywhere, but the truth is a little less scary. Let’s take a look at what’s really going on and who’s actually at risk.

Is your disaster recovery plan up to par?

2017February28_Business_BNo matter how much we analyze your network activity, or how many cyber-security conferences we attend, nothing educates us like the missteps of real-world businesses. Learning from example is by far the best way to beef up any disaster recovery plan (DRP), and the recent audit of a state government office gifted us plenty of useful information. Read on for our three takeaways from the report.

WordPress websites under attack

2017February27_WebandCloud_BIt’s no surprise that millions of websites are on WordPress — it’s easy to manage, operates on an open source framework, and covers most webmasters’ Content Management Solutions (CMS) needs. What’s also no surprise? That it’s prone to attacks. Recently, some 20 attackers defaced thousands of WordPress websites. If you think 20 attackers is frightening, wait ‘til you read more.

Which social media platforms suit your SMB?

170px_shutterstock_321247400The first thing that comes to mind when you think of social media is Facebook and for good reason. Not only does it boast the most users, but it also has the biggest reach and cultural impact. Since there is no one-size-fits-all social media platform, it’s imperative for small- and medium-sized businesses to examine their options before making an investment.

Vulnerabilities in popular printers

2017February23_Hardware_BWhat harm could possibly come from printing a document? According to some researchers who performed a large-scale analysis of printer attacks, a lot. These could be in the form of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, which are as devious as they sound, or attacks made through extracted print jobs. Today, we unveil the mechanics of this new cyber threat.