
4 ways IoT will change the game

2017February8_Hardware_BFrom smart thermostats to wearable devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has reinvented the ways both businesses and individuals connect. Many IT experts have even labeled IoT as a “game changer,” and while we’re usually skeptical of this term when it comes to new technology, IoT devices can open up your business to a multitude of possibilities. Here are four of them.

Switch up marketing tactics with IG stories

2017February6_SocialMedia_BBehind the application is the business, and behind the business is the need to drive revenue. With Stories, Instagram aims to capitalize on their platform and the enormous consumer reach it has — an impressive following of over 600 million monthly active users. Teaming up with global advertising giants, IG is now dipping its toes into uncharted waters.

Hyperconvergence improves virtualization

2017February3_Virtualization_BDon’t worry, we’ll keep this one simple. Virtualization is confusing enough, and hyperconvergence is one of the newest solutions within the field, making it even harder to grasp. The quick and easy summary is this: Hypconvergence is about virtualizing the hardware and software components required to deploy and manage databases and virtualized desktop infrastructures. Not simple enough? No problem, all we’re covering today is the great benefits you can achieve with this solution.

Staggering New Data Breach and Ransomware Numbers Illustrate Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Barely one month into 2017, cybercrime is already making headlines. Two major stories broke just this week: first, 2016 shattered all previous data beach records, with more than four billion records compromised worldwide. In the United States alone, more than 2,000 data breaches were reported — 10 times as many as the United Kingdom, which came in second with 203. And from those breaches, United States companies lost nearly 3 billion total records — again, 10 times as many as Russia, the second-place finisher on that list.

Office 2013 nears end-of-life date

2017February2_Office_BMicrosoft announced that it will no longer offer new features for Office 2013 by the end of the month. So if companies want continued support from Microsoft, they’ll have to upgrade to the new version, and they’ll have to do it soon. Here’s a quick rundown about the tech giant’s announcement and what it could mean for your business.

5 ways to successfully move UC to the cloud

2017February1_VoIP_BIf moving unified communications to the cloud is such a practical and inexpensive communications solution, why hasn’t everyone done it yet? A cloud-based unified communications (UC) means user flexibility, reduced technical support, and cost-savings on communication systems. Still, plenty remain unmoved. If you’ve considered moving your UC to the cloud but are not sure of its benefits to your business and are anticipating issues, these tips can help you do it successfully.

Why patches are failing to secure Windows 7

img-window7-170px-op2Kicking off the three-year countdown to end extended user support, Microsoft is bringing an end to the Windows 7 era — and for good reason. Because it’s so outdated, security patches are no longer able to keep it safe. Without a solid operating system, not only will users work at sluggish speeds, but they’ll also be susceptible to numerous cyber threats that could ruin their business.

Chrome and Safari: hackers’ newest tools

2017January27_Security_BFilling out web forms often seems like an unbearably monotonous obstacle that gets in the way of online shopping, booking a plane ticket, and doing other types of online registration. With many of today’s transactions done online, people have become accustomed to relying on their browsers’ autofill function to save time. But being able to save time from manually filling in your information comes at a price, especially if you’re using Google Chrome, Safari and Apple’s mobile-only Opera.

5 reasons to purchase CRM software

2017January26_Business_BFailure to understand your customers’ needs and wants could result in ill-informed marketing strategies. And when your company can’t satisfy their demands, they’ll likely turn to your competitors instead. To prevent this, deploying a customer relationship management (CRM) system can make a world of difference. Here’s a handful of reasons to make the switch.

Updates to G Suite

img-google-cloud-170px-op2With Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy and a growing mobile workforce, business owners are looking for an agentless way to manage iOS devices, one that would be convenient and secure for both admins and employees. Thanks to G Suite’s latest feature, Basic Mobile Management, everyone can now work in peace. But that’s not all Google has in stored for its users, as four more updates have been introduced as well. So what are the latest features that G Suite has to offer?