Fresh IT Strategies Like the Human Firewall Are Critical for Countering Cybersecurity Threats

Last week, IT security experts revealed a sharp increase in so-called “fileless” malware — device and network infections that are not readily apparent since they’re embedded directly into a computer’s actual memory. These malicious agents can quietly infiltrate data for months or even years, as more than 140 companies in 40 different countries have learned over the last two years.

Staggering New Data Breach and Ransomware Numbers Illustrate Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Barely one month into 2017, cybercrime is already making headlines. Two major stories broke just this week: first, 2016 shattered all previous data beach records, with more than four billion records compromised worldwide. In the United States alone, more than 2,000 data breaches were reported — 10 times as many as the United Kingdom, which came in second with 203. And from those breaches, United States companies lost nearly 3 billion total records — again, 10 times as many as Russia, the second-place finisher on that list.

Get Set for the New Year with Our Top 5 2017 Tech Resolutions

No matter where you live or what you do, the New Year serves as an inspiring moment. Want to commit yourself to achieving a personal goal or change the way you approach your career? The first few days of January are a great time to do it.

But as historian and teacher Joseph M. Marshall III says, “Success is rarely the result of one fell swoop, but more often the culmination of many small victories.

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from the 2016 Tide of Ransomware

If 2013 went down in IT history as the year of the data breach, then 2016 will always be remembered as the year of ransomware. In February, a Southern California hospital was forced to negotiate with hackers to recover its critical data; a week later, the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services suffered a similar attack.

4 Crucial Disaster Prep Tips with Storm Season Upon Us

Starting last week, hurricane season is officially upon us. For those that live far from the East or Gulf Coasts, remember that you’re not out of harm’s way, either — severe storms have plagued the Midwest, Great Plains, and Texas this spring, while wildfires in Canada have devastated whole towns.

5 Ways to Protect Your Business from Health Care-Related Ransomware and Data Breaches

Ransomware, a type of computer virus that arrives via email attachment, website link, or other online exploit, continues to present a major problem for businesses. Once a virus infects a host computer, it connects to illicit servers, usually located in a foreign country, that then transmit personal information like your IP address, geographic area, system setup, and login details.

How to Keep Your Business Safe from Email and Phone Attacks

Cyberattacks are on the rise — and they’re not just coming from one direction. According to recent news reports, phone calls claiming to be from the IRS are targeting elderly people. The caller states that money is owed and has to be paid by the end of the day, followed by personal questions intended to ferret out further identifying information.