What the Latest Data Breach Tells Us about Network Security, Data Integrity, and Social Engineering

Another week, another data breach — at least that’s what it felt like when the federal government revealed last week that the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security had employee information hacked.

Initial reports indicate that no sensitive information was stolen; apparently, the majority of the data breach concerned email addresses, phone numbers, and job titles for nearly 30,000 federal employees.

Stay in operation with these BCP strategies

Power outages, disasters and other disruptions happen. And thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ranging into the millions, if not billions. So how can your business protect itself and stay open when the unexpected strikes? Here are five common business continuity strategies that many companies rely […]

4 Ways to Protect Your Business from Malware and Ransomware

After lying relatively low for a few months, malware and ransomware have once again reared their ugly heads. Last week, Google removed more than a dozen malware-infected apps from its Google Play store. And variations of the CryptoLocker and CryptoWall viruses, which plagued the IT world in 2014 and 2015, have started appearing as well, in email attachments and through fake Java and Adobe Flash updates.

Power outages can derail business continuity

Even a single second of downtime at your business can cause a ripple effect that sees operations become unhinged. While most Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) take into account longer power outages, short ones can be just as dangerous to your company. It is important that you and your employees be prepared should a power outage […]

CMIT Solutions’ Most Popular QuickTips of 2015 (Part 2)

2015 is almost a wrap. But before we dive in to the promising opportunities of 2016 and put the last 12 months behind us, let’s revisit the most popular QuickTips topics of 2015. CMIT Solutions hopes you have enjoyed a happy, safe, and productive holiday season, hopefully with love and laughter in the company of family and friends.

A guide to interruption insurance

You are protecting your small or medium-sized business with insurance – of course you are. But is that really enough? The recent increase in natural disasters has led savvy business owners to also take out business interruption insurance, which covers many additional scenarios in the event that you are unable to carry on operating. Think […]

When do you need your BCP?

Having a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is great, but only if you know when it needs to be invoked. If you don’t know when it should take effect, then you might as well not have one at all. While a lot of business owners might believe it is pretty obvious when a BCP needs to […]

5 Smart Disaster Prep Tips To Consider With Winter On The Horizon

Yes, it might be a little early to start talking about cold weather and winter storms. But with the first widespread snowfall of the season affecting the Western United States recently, and a record-breaking Indian Summer giving way to cool temperatures in the Midwest and Southeast, now is the perfect time to get your winter preparedness plans in order.